
Know What to Look for to Shop Security Systems

Surveillance Features That Mitigate Business Threats

When shopping for security cameras for your business, it’s important to consider several factors to ensure you choose the right surveillance system that meets your specific needs.

Which Businesses Need Surveillance Systems

Surveillance systems can benefit various types of businesses, but certain industries and sectors typically have a higher need for surveillance due to the nature of their operations or the specific security risks they face. Here are some businesses that commonly benefit from having surveillance systems in place:

  1. Retail Stores: Retail businesses are often targeted by shoplifters and face significant losses due to theft. Surveillance cameras can help deter theft, monitor customer behavior, and provide evidence in the event of a crime.
  2. Banks and Financial Institutions: Financial institutions deal with valuable assets and have stringent security requirements. Surveillance cameras help monitor customer transactions, detect suspicious activities, and provide evidence for investigations.
  3. Restaurants and Bars: Surveillance systems in these establishments can help ensure the safety of staff and customers, prevent theft or property damage, and monitor areas where alcohol is served to maintain a secure environment.
  4. Hotels and Hospitality Industry: Hotels often have numerous entry points and valuable assets, making them susceptible to theft and security breaches. Surveillance cameras can monitor public areas, guest access points, parking lots, and help ensure the safety of guests and staff.
  5. Healthcare Facilities: Hospitals, clinics, and healthcare facilities require surveillance to protect patients, staff, and sensitive information. Cameras can help prevent violence, theft of medications, monitor restricted areas, and provide evidence during investigations.
  6. Manufacturing and Warehousing: Surveillance is crucial in manufacturing and warehousing facilities to monitor operations, prevent theft, protect valuable equipment and materials, and ensure employee safety.
  7. Educational Institutions: Schools and universities can benefit from surveillance systems to enhance security on campus, prevent unauthorized access, and monitor areas such as entrances, parking lots, and common spaces.
  8. Office Buildings: Surveillance cameras help maintain security in office buildings, monitor entrances and exits, prevent unauthorized access, and deter theft or vandalism.
  9. Construction Sites: Construction sites often have valuable equipment and materials that are vulnerable to theft and vandalism. Surveillance cameras can monitor construction areas, deter trespassers, and provide evidence in case of incidents.
  10. Government Facilities: Government buildings, including courts, administrative offices, and law enforcement agencies, require robust security measures. Surveillance systems are essential for monitoring activities, deterring threats, and ensuring the safety of staff and visitors.

Assess Your Security Needs

Start by assessing your business’s unique security requirements. Consider the size of your premises, the areas you want to monitor, and the specific security issues you want to address. For example, retail businesses may prioritize loss prevention, while office environments may focus on access control and employee safety.

Understand Common Security Issues

Gaining an understanding of security issues that businesses commonly face can help you make informed decisions.

Consider the following statistics on security issues in businesses

  • According to the National Retail Federation, retail shrinkage (inventory loss due to theft, error, or fraud) amounted to $61.7 billion in 2019 in the United States.
  • The U.S. Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) reported that property crimes accounted for 71.9% of all reported crimes in 2019.

Choose the Right Camera Types

Selecting the appropriate camera types is crucial to meet your surveillance needs. Consider different camera options, such as PTZ (pan-tilt-zoom) cameras, 360 degree views, and evaluate their features, field of view, resolution, and low-light performance.

Determine Camera Placement

Identify the areas that require monitoring and determine the optimal camera placement. Entry and exit points, cash registers, storage areas, and parking lots are typically high-priority locations. Ensure that the selected cameras provide adequate coverage and capture the necessary details in these areas.

Consider systems that are easy to install and manouver and adjust as any needs might change.

Consider Video Storage and Retention

Determine your video storage and retention needs based on your business requirements and local regulations. Consider the capacity and scalability of the video storage system to accommodate your recording needs.

Cloud-based storage options provide convenience and accessibility, and are not directly to connected to onsite systems.

No WIFI cameras are a great option, again this removes the surveillance from onsite systems as a precaution. If onsite networks fail, surveillance is still continuing.

Explore Advanced Features:

Consider advanced features that can enhance your surveillance system’s effectiveness and efficiency.

Artificial Intelligence (AI) Options

  • Motion detection: Cameras with motion detection capabilities can trigger alerts and recording when motion is detected, saving storage space and facilitating quick review of significant events.
  • Remote viewing: Look for systems that offer remote viewing capabilities, enabling you to access live or recorded footage from your security cameras via mobile devices or computers.
  • Facial recognition: Advanced systems can incorporate facial recognition technology to identify individuals and enhance security and access control.
  • License plate detection: If your business contains a parking lot, AI allows tracking and reading of license plates. Software can also send alerts when specific plates are identified.
  • Night Vision: Cameras are able to conduct the same surveillance during day and night hours. Giving you a peace of mind 24/7.

Integration with Other Security Systems/Security Monitoring Services

If you have existing security systems in place, ensure that your new security cameras can integrate with them seamlessly. Integration with access control systems, alarms, and video management systems can provide a comprehensive security solution for your business.

If you prefer to have a security monitoring service manage the day-to-day surveillance of your business shop security systems that don’t require onsite management.

Seek Professional Advice

Consult with security professionals or reputable vendors who specialize in business security. They can offer guidance tailored to your specific requirements, provide recommendations, and assist with the installation and setup of your security camera system.

Shopping for security cameras for your business requires careful consideration of your security needs, understanding common security issues, selecting the appropriate camera types, determining camera placement, considering video storage options, exploring advanced features, and seeking professional advice. By following these guidelines, you can choose the right surveillance system to enhance security, reduce losses, and protect your business.

Get a Quote

Get your project started today with a quote on the best surveillance system for your business needs.

More Features

Additional security features that can fortify your business.

Check out our articles for in depth detail on surveillance priorities.

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